Early Summer Home Maintenance

Whether your house is on the market or you just want to keep it in tip-top form, here are some tips for home maintenance that will show. Before moving your attention outdoors, here are some tips for keeping your house comfortable and safe this summer. Start by switching ceiling fan blades, you want the leading part of the blade to be higher than the trailing edge, this will allow you to get the most out of your air conditioning system.
Next, make sure that your dryer vents – this includes the tube that pumps warm air from the dryer outdoors, this will make sure your appliance works at maximum efficiency. As you prepare to begin to work outdoors make sure that things all go smoothly by tuning u yard and garden equipment: sharpen mower blades, add fresh fuel, clean, oil and lubricate other mechanical equipment. Finally, clean your gutters – removing leaves, pine needles and other debris that will block rainwater and help protect your home from mildew and rot. Make sure your ladder is safely held up before you climb it.

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