Tips for Low Maintenance Beauty

There is something to be said for sticking to a low maintenance beauty regimen; not only does minimal makeup and carefree styling look more fresh and youthful than being overdone, but spending less time in front of the mirror also means that there is more time to be out there living life! Confidence is beautiful, and although not all of us can simply roll out of bed looking naturally flawless and ready to face the world, there are certain things that can be done to limit the amount of time and energy spent getting ready and maintaining a polished look.
The trick is to eliminate the steps of your beauty regimen that are weighing you down and are ultimately not so important when it comes down to your overall appearance. For example, eliminating the tedious application of eyeliner can actually do wonders. Replacing thick eyeliner with a few coats of extra lush mascara for long lashes can save a lot of time and upkeep during the day. Eyes look fresh and even younger with two quick coats of mascara. Instead of using a primer and liquid makeup before your regular powder, experiment using a tinted BB based cream, which provides light coverage as a foundation but also works to reduce the size of pores and little lines.

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