The Danger of Late Night Snacking For Your Health

Most people underestimate the critical value of avoiding late night snacking and meals before sleep. Though it doesn't seem like a big deal and we all do it form time to time, it's actually quite important for your health to avoid such behavior. The reason is because the body works hard to digest all that's put inside it, as such your stomach and intestines contract to push food through and cells in your stomach create acids to break it down, the gall bladder and pancreas also have to make their own digestive juices and then there's more work to pass those nutrients into the bloodstream.
What this means is all the work your body is doing to digest and assimilate decreases the quality of your rest, as such the body can't produce the correct amounts of hormones: healing, growth hormones, testosterone and erythropoietin. So instead of repairing itself your body is using its energy digesting food.

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