Why Choose Organic Apparel?

Like shopping for organic food, the choice to buy organic clothing is one that impacts your body, the environment and the economy - just to name the most obvious. Today's conventional cotton uses pesticides and herbicides that have been linked to cancer and are environmentally hazardous, while cotton only occupies 3% of the farmland in the world, it uses 25% of the world's pesticides! So while growing conventional cotton for our clothing damages the local environment and agriculture, this clothing is then processed industrially using other chemicals and often cheap, exploited labor in impoverished countries like India and Turkey.
Later, your body will absorb through your skin these same factory treatments, which often include bleach and formaldehyde resin. Unfortunately, genetically modified cotton now makes up 75% of the cotton that is grown. While organic apparel isn't a perfect solution, it does offer a lower environmental impact and hopefully less impact on one's health as well. The best thing to do regarding clothing is research the source of your brand.

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