News about 2006 pavilion serpentine

Common Causes for a Check Engine Light

We all know that feeling of fear in the pit of one's stomach when the engine light suddenly flashes on in the car. Oh no, what now? And how much will it cost me are usually the first two questions. For most of us this means a trip to the mechanic, but sometimes it's an electrical error. The problem with the check engin… read more

Tips for Home Shopping

Buying your first home can be an intimidating experience, however, with a bit of simple logic and good advice it's possible to get your dream home and not run into any nasty surprises. To narrow down your choices and start on the right foot, make a budget and lay out how much you can afford to pay for a home. In your b… read more

Debt Consolidation

Debt consolidation is a tricky subject. While it seems like it's a solution to save on interest and create one smaller payment, it actually is quite dangerous as it only treats the symptom. While debt consolidation creates the sensation that you've actually done something about your debt, it's actually still there! You… read more

Identifying Food Allergies

Dealing with food allergies can be difficult for those who have become accustomed to sticking with a set grocery list. However, when allergic reactions, especially in children, are present there are certain adjustments to the grocery list that can easily be made with the right information. When a parent or doctor becom… read more

Kids Who Don't Like Sports?

Yes, there are many kids who don't like sports. For whatever their reasons, be it a reluctance to enter into the competitive sport ambient that schools' breed or just a general indolence, they feel that sports are not their thing, not their strong point. However, team sports can be very positive for children, helping t… read more