News about dolce & gabbana tax

Where Millionaires Live

The rich just keep getting richer, with this year's global household wealth growing 7.8%. The highest growth level occurred in Asia-Pacific region, Latin America, the Middle East and Africa. These countries were followed up by a more contained growth in Western Europe and North America. Statistics show there are more m… read more

Dolce & Gabbana Tax Evasion Scandal

In the middle of June, 2013, the Italian fashion designers Dolce & Gabbana were convicted in an Italian court of tax evasion, resulting in a sentence of up to one year and 8 months in prison. Both designers have denied the charges and plan to appeal. The process however has been a long one, dating back to 2004 when the… read more

Common Legal Issues for Businesses

If you own a small business in the USA then the risk of serious litigation should be present in your concerns. Several legal issues are quite common in business and will cause owners quite a headache, not to mention it will hurt their bottom line. Here are some of the most common problems: disgruntled employees, harass… read more

Overseas Tax

First of all, let's get to the heart of the question: do you have to pay taxes if you live overseas? The answer is that you must always file a tax return, but chances are you won't owe any taxes. Find out if you file for the Foreign Earned Income Exclusion, you can exclude up to $95k from your US income taxes! The best… read more

Tax Deductions You May Not Know About

Few people know how much money they can save with tax breaks, and even fewer know how many tax breaks are really out there. Here's some deductions and credits to keep in mind. For example, did you know that donating to charity can be used for a tax break? Make sure to get a written receipt of the total value of the it… read more