News about office workspace layouts

Change Water Molecules With Positive Thoughts

It is now known that water molecules are sensitive to the sounds, vibrations and even thoughts of what or whom is around them. Discovered by Japanese scientist Dr. Masaru Emoto in his studies of how water molecules react to music and other stimulating effects, this is a very interesting topic right now. Emoto claims th… read more

Grocery Shop Online

The truth is most of us don't have time to shop for groceries, or, if we have the time we'd rather use it to be doing something else: playing with our kids, enjoying a walk in the park, working out, and much more. However, thanks to today's technology, it's possible to eliminate wasting time with grocery shopping. Usin… read more

Nordic Cuisine

Sweden is known for their fresh spring potatoes, so good they can be served with only butter and fresh dill. However, both traditional and innovative new cuisines are putting Sweden back on the map. Today's Nordic cuisine uses traditional cooking techniques and ingredients, some of which are disappearing, reviving them… read more

Top Ingredients to Avoid in Personal Care Products

What you put on your skin becomes a part of your body, so choose with care. There are several harmful ingredients that are commonly used in personal care products, along with the other chemicals. Most of them contain at least one ingredient that may be linked to Cancer risks. Also note that the U.S. Food and Drug Admin… read more

A Man Made Spider Web

The textile field is often one of the first to invent and benefit from new technology. The most recent innovation has been to make a material that is just like spider web silk. Did you know that there is a type of spider silk called Dragline, which is tougher than the material used to make bulletproof vests! The proble… read more