News about peru forms government

DIY Fashion

Tired of spending too much money on handmade clothes that are produced overseas by underpaid laborers? Now is the time to make your own. It's easy enough. You don't have to know pattern making or even how to use a sewing machine! It's enough to have good ideas and a pair of scissors with a basic knowledge of how to sew… read more

Daily Life in Peru

What most people don't realize is how much diversity the country of Peru boasts: jungle, ancient tombs, rivers, wild animals, shamanistic rituals, Andean peaks, coastal deserts, rainforests, tropical birds...The most difficult thing about Peru can be choosing between all the wide range of experiences! Amazing unique fo… read more

Why Eat Beets?

Red beets are one of those foods that get strong opinions: it's love or hate. However, what cannot be denied is that they are an extremely nutrient dense food that can help prevent heart disease and a variety of cancer forms. Most of all they are rich in B vitamins, but they also contain potassium, magnesium and the gr… read more

Which Country Has the Best Internet Access?

The question of which country has the best Internet access is an interesting one because it doesn't mean which country uses the Internet the most, but rather which has the best technology making it available to them. The most recent study reveals the winner for fastest Internet service is South Korea. It has an average… read more

Immigrate to an American Boom Town

Normally one thinks of immigrants as coming in from another country to live in the USA. However, sometimes it's right for us Americans to pack our bags and head to a new city with new opportunities. A Southwestern city growing in leaps and bounds is Austin, TX. It has a huge pull with the music festival South by Southw… read more