News about uwo credit union

How to Stay Healthy When Traveling

If you are traveling to an exotic location, but still want to eat like a local there are certain guidelines to follow that can help you avoid becoming ill. To begin with, wash your hands often – especially before and after a meal – and use soap or carry an antibacterial gel. Be careful to not drink fruit shakes fro… read more

Appeal of American Apparel

The clothing company American Apparel is undoubtedly a large part of the hipster revolution, or it is at least responsible for keeping it dressed accordingly. The fact that American Apparel is a self-proclaimed sweatshop free company is important to many young people who wear their products. Their factory is located in… read more

Throw a Christening Party

A christening party is a rite of passage in most babies lives, for both themselves and their families. It's also a great reason to get together and celebrate with friends. Some families have the party while the child is still very young, around 1 to 2 months, while others wait until the child is old enough to be aware … read more

Should Your Child Be Held Back a Grade?

When a parent first hears that his or her child may be held back a year in school the news can be quite a shock and seem to be entirely negative. However, holding a child back a year can be a positive thing for the child allowing him or her to further learn and mature without the potential struggles that would have com… read more

How Much Are Google Interns Paid?

Are you surprised to hear that Google interns are most likely getting paid more than you? This highly coveted internship is no joke and also offers serious pay to students who make the cut. Sure, they are starting from the ground up, have no job security and do the most boring work, but they also get paid $6,000 a mont… read more