News about what are all the college degrees

Are We Losing the Global Warming Fight?

For so long global warming was kept out of the news. Facts and research wasn't published and the terms “climate change” and “global warming” weren't used. They were considered taboo. Today however global warming is becoming an unavoidable reality and with CO2 emissions at an all time high in 2012 the media is … read more

Wealthy CEOs with $1 Salaries

CEOs are supposed to be the top earners in the world; all of the richest people are the heads of their own corporations and it is therefore assumed that their salaries reflect the commercial success of their business. However, many people are surprised to learn that there are countless CEOs that have signed off on rece… read more

Top Business Ideas for 2013

Whether you are trying to think of a successful product or strategy for your business or just looking for inspiration in what's new on the market check out some of the following innovative projects. Bring the Facebook "like" into your everyday life and material reality. Sometimes retailers find that it's difficult to … read more

Footage stock

When choosing a footage company to use, there are a few things you should know. Often, you get a choice between commercial or editorial footage stock. As the name suggests, commercial stock footage is used to sell a product. Editorial footage, on the other hand, is used by media outlets or a news platform to illustrate… read more

Manage your Crypto with Ledger!

One powerful app and a safe, durable hardware wallet, to manage your crypto and keep them safe at the same time.Buying, Exchanging and Staking, everything is possible with Ledger App!You'll be able to easily grow your portfolio and keep it 100% safe thanks to the hardware wallet.Everything you do on the app, must be co… read more