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How to Avoid Overspending

It can be difficult for some people to responsibly manage their money on a day-to-day basis. Especially with the use of credit cards and ATM debit cards, people have also stopped relying on physical money in their daily transactions, and the result of this can be that the amount of money being spent doesn’t cross the… read more

Wealthy CEOs with $1 Salaries

CEOs are supposed to be the top earners in the world; all of the richest people are the heads of their own corporations and it is therefore assumed that their salaries reflect the commercial success of their business. However, many people are surprised to learn that there are countless CEOs that have signed off on rece… read more

Community Lending: The New Revolution in Banking

Virtual banks are the new frontier of managing finances, and because many people do not trust big banks anymore, online banking and banking apps are simply not enough. Puddle is a type of virtual banking that actually involves no bank at all; it is actually a transaction facilitated between friends or at least within a… read more

Beginner's Guide to Juice Cleanses

Juice cleanses have been gaining popularity as of late. Many people swear by their results, but starting a juice cleanse requires a certain amount of discipline and research. Juice cleanses are not for everyone; people with certain food allergies or glucose-related sensitivities should definitely consult their doctor b… read more

Identifying Food Allergies

Dealing with food allergies can be difficult for those who have become accustomed to sticking with a set grocery list. However, when allergic reactions, especially in children, are present there are certain adjustments to the grocery list that can easily be made with the right information. When a parent or doctor becom… read more