News about labor rights organizations

Common Causes for a Check Engine Light

We all know that feeling of fear in the pit of one's stomach when the engine light suddenly flashes on in the car. Oh no, what now? And how much will it cost me are usually the first two questions. For most of us this means a trip to the mechanic, but sometimes it's an electrical error. The problem with the check engin… read more

When a Child Says No to College

If you received a college education chances are you have the same educational goals for your child, but what if your child has a different idea? Either way, the road to college is time-consuming and difficult, as it requires a lot of work from the student and parent to apply and get financial aid. So, what do you say i… read more

Running Vs. Swimming

Both swimming and running have important cardiovascular benefits, knowing which one is best for you to choose is dependent on several different factors. Having a clear idea of both activities and how each one affects your body differently can help you to decide which one is better for your needs. Running is a high im… read more

Overseas Tax

First of all, let's get to the heart of the question: do you have to pay taxes if you live overseas? The answer is that you must always file a tax return, but chances are you won't owe any taxes. Find out if you file for the Foreign Earned Income Exclusion, you can exclude up to $95k from your US income taxes! The best… read more

How to Put Text on Pictures

Knowing how to put text on pictures or images so that they look just as you like is a very handy skill to have and will save you a lot of time fussing about on the computer. No matter if you are designing a logo, sign, brochure or something else, using text on an image will help readers understand your message. This ca… read more